by Troy Pearsall

Over the last year we’ve taken fourteen phone calls from people whose world had been turned upside down by a sudden tragedy or serious illness.

As their insurance adviser, we need to respond swiftly and calmly. We know that the last thing our clients want to worry about in the middle of a stressful situation are claims processes and paperwork. So, we make that our job.

We know that there are likely to be immediate financial challenges that will need to be addressed. So, we make that our focus too.

Of the fourteen most recent claims we helped to lodge, 100% have been successful. Across these claims, we have assisted our clients to receive insurance payouts totaling over $4 million.

Not all of these payouts were for life insurance policies. Close to half a million dollars was in relation to income protection cover.

This impact of this money is vital. For three of the people we’ve helped with claims, the money has enabled them to pay for the best medical specialist care. It’s also meant that they will not have to worry about how they will fund a retirement that has come far sooner than expected.

A brain tumour diagnosis for one of our clients meant major surgery and an extended period of recovery. Her payout covered medical costs above that funded by private health. She was also able to hire care assistance while she was convalescing at home. We are happy to report that she is now fighting fit, eager to get back to work and enjoying the active lifestyle she has always led.

Without these payments, our clients could have been left in a very desperate financial position that may have limited their options for treatment and compromised the future for themselves and their dependants.

Simple claims can take up to a fortnight to be paid, but more complex claims can take much longer. Throughout the claim, we are actively engaging with insurers to make the claims process as easy as possible for our clients.

A lot of this work happens behind the scenes. Often that means our client can focus on their own immediate needs, avoiding being overwhelmed with all the administrative back and forth, and may only need to interact with the insurer when settlement is almost complete.

Naturally, while the claim payments can help clients with financial commitments, they are not able to provide a magical cure for the physical toll of these health events. But we do know that by stepping up and managing the claims process, we are helping to ease the emotional trauma for the family. As we continue to ensure our clients are protected against the worst, we will also continue to be there for them when they need us most.

If you would like more information, please call 1300 ELSTON or contact us.