Grant Recommendation

You can recommend a grant to be paid from your sub-fund, whenever you like. Gifts can be paid from your sub-fund to any of the 25,000+ eligible DGR Item 1 organisations including charities and government entities with a charitable purpose.

The Elston Giving Foundation is required to gift at least 4% of its assets each financial year. As such, each sub-fund is asked to do the same.

Sub-fund details

Please specify the sub-fund you would like to recommend a grant be paid

Which charity are you nominating?

Please tell us which charity you would like to recommend a grant be paid to:

Grant recognition

We will tell the charity that the grant was paid at the recommendation of and from your sub-fund. It is how we link the charity to your giving fund. You can even select the sub-fund holder you wish to be recognised. You can also request to be anonymous, in which case we won’t disclose the name of the sub-fund when we pay the grant. Please nominate your preference below.

Contact details

Please tell us your name and contact number, so we can get in touch with you if we have any questions.

Grants or donations from the Elston Giving Foundation can only be made to charities and government entities that are endorsed as DGR Item 1 by the Australian Taxation Office. Our team will undertake due diligence on the charity you have recommended, to ensure it meets with the guidelines.

We aim to pay approved gifts within 14 days of receiving your recommendation. The recipient charity must provide Elston Giving Foundation a receipt for the grant, which will be forward to you as confirmation your grant has been paid